Drone Mapping Demo

Use the scroller on your mouse, laptop, tablet or iphone to zoom into the interactive map.

Benefits on drone mapping

  • High-resolution data: Drone maps provide high-resolution data that can be used to create detailed maps and 3D models of an area.

  • Cost-effective: Drone mapping is often more cost-effective than traditional surveying methods, such as ground surveys, which can be time-consuming and labor-intensive.

  • Safety: Drones can safely access hard-to-reach or dangerous areas, such as high buildings or cliffs, reducing the risk to human surveyors.

  • Efficiency: Drones can cover large areas quickly and efficiently, allowing for the rapid collection of large amounts of data.

  • Real-time data collection: Drone mapping allows for real-time data collection, which can be used to track changes in an area over time.

  • Multiple sensor integration: Drones can be equipped with a variety of sensors, allowing for the collection of different types of data, such as thermal imaging, multispectral data, and air quality measurements.

  • Better understanding of the environment: Drone mapping provides a comprehensive understanding of the environment, including landscape features, vegetation, and man-made structures.

  • Non-invasive: Drone mapping is a non-invasive method of data collection, which can minimize the impact on the environment.

  • Repeatability: Drone mapping can be repeated multiple times to track changes over time, which can be useful for monitoring and management of natural resources.

  • Remote sensing: Drone mapping can be used for remote sensing which allow to access hard-to-reach or dangerous areas, such as natural reserves and protected areas, without disturbing the environment.

  • Integration with GIS software: Drone maps can be easily integrated with GIS software, allowing for spatial analysis and decision making.

  • Supporting planning, design and management: Drone maps can support urban and environmental planning, design and management by providing accurate, up-to-date information on land use, infrastructure, and natural resources.

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